Daisy patch blocked?

Hello here a daisy patch, Max oopsy MacbookAir 2017 I7 Monterey. Worked fine, from a MBPro 2012. Trying to install everything in the MBAir. The Daisy patch appeared one time as dfu in the system report, and loaded a simple comressor patch. It disapeared from system report, and stays with the led red (like ready for upload ), oled black, no program inside ? : press any button no return to work. Broken ? NB: i like it much, because line coding is an alien world for me :slight_smile: Thanks in advance !

  1. Press and hold Boot button
  2. Press and hold Reset button
  3. Release both buttons.

Now, the Seed will be in DFU mode. It will appear as DFU in System Report, and is ready for upload.

The red Power LED should be on ALL THE TIME when Seed is powered. It does NOT mean ‘ready for upload.’

Thanks for your answer. I know the process, it was well working with oopsy and my own patch… Now, imho like empty: without usb plugged, powering on/off/on nothing changes and the oled stays black and the left led lights. - i’m installing another MBair : is it possible to delete everything and abort the load of a new gen~ patch, if it stays usb plugged, installing brew etc. ? Or to force boot from a sd card ? 2 seeds are on the way to my home, hope it’s a software problem. Thanks in advance michel z

You should be able to load one of the Patch examples from the Daisy Web Programmer.

Oups seems no future… Web Programmer sees only my iphone :frowning: Verified alim +/- 12V, other usb cable, red led reset stays in light, but oled black. Waiting another seed and daisy. I shall write here the suit of prototyping, have a nice day :slight_smile:

DaisyPatch works, with a new seed. I don’t like linecode, only Max gen~. Any idea if the st link v3 mini debugger could help ? thanks in advance mz