Control Gain of Opamp with Petal Digital Pot

Im looking to control the Gain of an output Opamp with my Daisy Seed.
Im ‘programming’ within Max MSP via Oopsy and would like to add a Cut/Boost function to the circuit without encountering potential digital clipping of the Seed.
Has anyone here dont this and would they like to recommend a method?
Im thinking, although i havent tried it before, to use a digital potentiometer IC that can be fed with a 3.3V signal from the Seed.
I know I could do this with a standard Pot connected after the Seed but I dont want to do that.

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You could use a VCA part like the 2164 or a ready-made submodule. It’ll cut or boost up to four audio signals based on control voltage from the Daisy’s DAC outputs.

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