Chromebook/Linux development

In case anyone else is curious, it can be done. I’m using a Samsung Chromebook Plus, with Linux enabled. The Daisy setup instructions for Linux got me most of the way there. But “make program-dfu” didn’t work.

First I had to install dfu-util using apt-get. Next I had to set a Chrome flag: #crostini-usb-allow-unsupported, and restart my Chromebook.

Now when I put my Daisy Pod into bootloader mode, a dialog pops up saying “USB device detected. Open Settings to connect DFU in FS Mode to Linux.” You can ignore that; directly below is a clickable button/link “CONNECT TO LINUX” which does what you want. Then “make program-dfu” works. Note that I have to “CONNECT TO LINUX” every time I want to re-flash, which I find mildly annoying. But it works!

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Confirmed working 100% on Linux Mint. Installation went exactly as described in the wiki.

I’ve been using VS Code for editing. Had to configure the appropriate include directories for autocomplete to work properly. Using “make” and “make program-dfu” to compile and flash. Works great!

I managed to get a dev environment working on Alpine Linux (on the prototypes, at least). You can’t use the pre-built cross-compiler binaries because of glibc, but you can build the compilers from source without an issue using the musl-gcc compilers that Alpine Linux has. Alpine didn’t have dfu-util, so I ended up having to compile + install that manually from source.