Hello again,
I found nothing related in this forum:
how would I center align a string?
lets say I have 5 words, each one in a box of 25 px, so I can write 5 words on the 128px oled, with a centered fader below.
I have seen WriteStringAligned, but it is so cryptic and does not mention Center.
Has anybody mastered this already?
Here is an example of Chat GPT having a go at it, but chatty likes to over-complicate things and it can´t get over the fact that here is no argument “center” here.
// Define the width of the bounding box and starting position
const int boundingBoxWidth = 25; // Width of each bounding box
const int boundingBoxHeight = Font_6x8.FontHeight; // Height of bounding box
const int startY = 2; // y position
const int displayWidth = 128; // Width of the display
// Define text array and positions
const char* texts[] = {"Size", "Tail", "HP", "LP", "Lvl"};
int numTexts = sizeof(texts) / sizeof(texts[0]);
// Starting position for the first bounding box
int startX = 2;
// Iterate over each text and position
for (int i = 0; i < numTexts; i++) {
// Calculate the bounding box for the current text
Rectangle boundingBox(startX, startY, startX + boundingBoxWidth - 1, startY + boundingBoxHeight - 1);
// Align and write the text within the bounding box
WriteStringAligned(texts[i], Font_6x8, boundingBox, Center, true);
// Update x position for the next bounding box
startX += boundingBoxWidth + 1; // Move to the next position (25 px width + 1 px space)