Can't connect to Daisy Seed anymore (after dropping it)

Hey there, hope someone can help me with some troubleshooting tips.

I’ve been working on a Daisy Seed enclosed inside a Cleveland Hothouse pedal enclosure (it’s a fairly solid guitar pedal enclosure with some PCBs inside and a small porthole to connect to the Seed inside). Unfortunately all the wires I’ve got hanging around are a bit too short, and I managed to snag the power cord to the pedal, yanking it off the table I work on, and dropping it about 2, 2.5 feet. I had the Seed connected via an ST-Link V3 Mini, which was connected to my computer via USB.
When it fell, it disconnected at the USB-C connection between the ST-Link V3 Mini and the cable going into my computer. Everything still looks fine. I opened up the pedal and the connection between the Link header and the pins on the Seed were still plugged in and straight on. If I plug in the Link, the red LED comes on. If I plug in the Seed through the mini USB connection straight to my computer (with no other power source for the Seed) the LED on the Seed comes on. I was even able to still put the Seed back into boot mode using code that was already loaded onto the Seed.

However, I can no longer seem to make a connection from my Seed to my Computer.
Trying to push code using the Link results in Error: libusb_open() failed with LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND. I figured maybe something was wrong with the connection, so I tried unplugging, replugging it all back together, but get the same error.
Next I tried to connect via the mini USB, figuring maybe something was wrong with the Link. This also fails, now with No DFU capable USB device available. Realized I hadn’t put it in boot mode so I triggered some code already on device by holding down one of my foot switches for 2 seconds. This made me able to confirm that the Seed is still working, as the responds by flashing some LEDs to confirm the reset happened. Still getting the same error while trying to push code via the mini USB though.
I figured maybe the USB driver needed to be reset, so I pulled up Zadig, but DFU in FS mode doesn’t appear in the dropdown list, even after using “List all devices”.
I also assumed maybe putting the Seed in boot mode by manually pressing the surface mount buttons on the Seed, but this didn’t change anything either.

Sorry, this is a lot of words, but trying to be thorough.
It seems as though the seed’s code is working. It seems as though the seed’s response to a USB connection by lighting up an LED is working. But I can’t make a connection to the device anymore through DFU nor debugger.

Are there any other steps I could take to try to fix this? Is there reason only the visibility of the Seed to my computer would be impacted but seemingly nothing else?

After some switching of USB cables and USB ports, I was able to get it to flash via DFU again, which is a relief. I’m guessing the cable I grabbed was maybe one of those “just power” cables and not a data cable.

Still can’t flash via the debugger, but now I’m wondering if it’s somehow a wonky surprise driver issue that I’m confusing with physical trauma to the device.