I finally had time to try on my workshop Linux system. V0.9.1
I am able to make things!
I use a seed on a breadboard, was able to make a tone and put it through reverbs. I did wrote a json for mapping knobs to my hardware.
I did not manage it to let a digital port or the user-led to get blink. Something in the json I guess…
"name": "bareseed",
"som": "seed",
"audio": { "channels": 2 },
"components": {
"gatein": {
"component": "GateIn",
"pin": 4
"envin": {
"component": "AnalogControl",
"pin": 22
"knob1": {
"component": "AnalogControl",
"pin": 23
"knob2": {
"component": "AnalogControl",
"pin": 24
"led1": {
"component": "Led",
"pin": 2,
"direction": "out"
"led2": {
"component": "Led",
"pin": 3
I have like 100 tabs open, is there a more centralized location for puredata->seed community?