Happy guy here. Have the Daisy Pod.
After going through the incrediby involved set up process for Arduino, I actually got not one but several arduino daisy files working. To me that is shocking.
I got Pd files from Takumi working, after a long struggle trying to understand what pd2daisy is and what it is supposed to do. Still don’t understand how to map the controls on the Pod to a Pd file. Baby steps.
After trying to use the web programmer I read the wiki again and discovered Zadiq. That might be why the web programmer works now. A very nice feature the web programmer is.
After another involved process setting up Daisy for Max with oopsy, gen~, etc. I was ready to throw in the towel. Many times opening the oopsy pod template, trying to save it in various ways, getting the dfu not found/not/ready/your hands are cold don’t touch me messages…I finally opened a bunch of help files in Max on gen~, oopsy, the patcher module whatever it’s called–and messing with the gen~ block in a ‘detail’ window (don’t know the terminology)–I FINALLY got an idea of what was going on with this pod template. For example, the ‘hiss’ I heard was the noise clearly shown in the gen~ window. Facepalm! The whine I heard were the 1000 cycles that were controlled by the knobs on the daisy pod. And YES I still don’t know how the knobs and switches and encoder were originally mapped in that gen~ window.
The moral of this long-winded diatribe is Don’t Give Up. If I can do it so can you!