I’m looking for some clarification about the Analog GPIO pins on the Patch Submodule, specifically the ADC_9, ADC_10, ADC_11, ADC_12 pins. These pins are labeled as Analog GPIO and Digital GPIO. Does that mean these pins can output analog voltages or are they only analog input pins and digital output?
I’m still new to hardware development and learning as I go so any help is appreciated. I’m considering the Daisy Submodule to build a relatively simple trigger sequencer with 4 gate/trig outputs and 4 CV outputs. The 4 gate outputs will come from an I2C quad DAC.
Hey, thanks for the quick reply and links! Prior to this post I had seen your video about the I2C Quad DAC and was intending to try it. Have you used it with Daisy yet? I also think using a PWM output would be adequate for my project as well.
I still haven’t selected a language, but C++ or PD is most likely.