Adapting USB C into the micro USB on the Seed

Does anyone have any experience adapting a USB C port and interfacing it with the Seed for both power and data? I’m wanting to use the Daisy in my next couple of products, but I want to “evolve” into USB C.

Would something like this circuit for an adapter board (developed for the Teensy) work?

I’m concerned about the wide variety of USB C power devices that could be plugged into the port damaging the Daisy.

Sorry for the delay in response!

You can reference this snippet from a schematic of something that’s not public yet.

  • USB_IN_MCU_N to Daisy’s D29(D-)
  • USB_IN_MCU_P to Daisy’s D30(D+)
  • You can ignore the “PRE” in “5V_USB_PRE”

Schematic symbols for various USB-C connectors may look like this or different. But the signal names should be same/similar enough to be recognizable.
And U6 is still the same USB-LC6 esd protection chip as on the microUSB circuit.

We hope this helps!!

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Hey Thanks!

This will come in handy for sure!