Hi! My name is Chris. I’ve been messing around with code for a LONG time. As a matter of fact my first job was as an ActionScript expert back when it was Macromedia Flash! (Ask your parents about that one). Ive since become a guitar teacher for neurodivergent kids and its awesome. I do still love to tinke though, mostly to make simple electronic instruments. I was working with Teensy forever but I saw the daisy seed and it REALLY intrigued me, plus it forced me to start to really dig in to C++ due to Daisyduinos limitations. I WANT EFFECTS! lol. Anyway I finally got daisy seed with Daisylib, DaisySP and DaisySP-LGPL working and compliling on my mac and I am a SUPER noob so if you need any help let me know! Its really not as easy as they make it seem!