Hi, I am Mehdi from Paris, France. I’ve been doing synths and effects for the Scope DSP platform since 2000, and perfected my building skills. Note that I do not code, as the Scope SDK is a little bit like max or Reaktor, it is more a matter of know-how and finding your own tricks to do this or that and overcome the system apparent limitations. Also, sound design is just as important (how to make it sound better than what you get “by default”) . Just downloaded Max and gonna fiddle with it.
Now, I am interested in daisy (“patch init” on the way) to build in max and integrate it into hardware. I also got myself a few arduino gear to build a midi controller. I hope that one day i will come up with a super machine that everyone will love to fund on kickstarter, lol May be in 5 or 10 years lol
Would also love to hear from any scopers/planetz-ers that are also on this forum, if any…
See you soon ! I will certainly have 10 millions noob questions once i begin to make stufff.