Should I read directly from QSPI?

I’m using DaisyVersio, so I can indeed use:

PersistentStorage<Settings> storage(hw.seed.qspi);

Where in your program are you loading settings.a to check if it restored?

Also, where in your program are you calling the Save and RestoreDefaults functions. If you’re attempting to call them from within the audio callback that could have unintended results (including crashing).

Well, I’m reading the struct and saving the storage in the audio callback, but that doesn’t seem to cause any crash. But maybe the apparent lack of persistence is a sign.

What is always crashing the module, though, is calling RestoreDefaults(), but I do this before setting the audio callback and just after calling


I try to extract anything I can from the audio callback and see if it solves.

A doubt: using DSY_QSPI_BSS is not necessary, right?

Thanks for the support!