Pure Data

First off, WOAH – I did not know that PD had that feature. That’s really cool.

And here’s a list sitting in a PR from 2018 – since there have been very few/if any updates to hvcc since then I would guess this is pretty up to date:

Unfortunately it does look like clone is missing from that list.

Also, I think I may have brought up some confusion when mentioning the GUI. I meant a GUI for pd2dsy so that those who don’t like the command line can drag/drop or select their Pd patch files, and select the platform etc. from a graphical interface instead of a command line.


Yes I actually checked yesterday and found the same.

That’s a shame. The newer version of PD has some really good stuff, like the intelligent patching, Clone, etc. It would be so amazing if HVCC was updated so all the goodies(the objects) would be included.

Ah I see. I misunderstood it completely, hehe :slight_smile:

What you mention there would be lovely. I am mostly a hobby coder, so I am a bit dependant on the foot work of you guys :slight_smile: Which I am highly appreciative of. Really looking forward for the PD>Daisy script :slight_smile:

I am big time PD user. I use it from 4 to 15 hours a day these days, hehe :slight_smile: What else to do in these Corona times? Might as well make the best out of it and gain some knowledge and make some new tools for music making :slight_smile:


It’s pretty much abandoned now. A few projects have forked it and use with minor customization, but nobody is working on adding new features to compiler itself. Also, its code gives me nightmares.

Why, burn some 5G towers of course!

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Yes I know it’s abandoned. But maybe at some point someone will pick it up and do some more work on it and make it a bit more up-to-par.

hi @shensley, are there any updates on the possibility of managing the 64MB SDRAM and the 8MB flash memory with pd2dsy?
Unfortunately, without this updates it’s not possible to use Pure Data with daisy, space is not enough even for simple patches.

Hi, and apologies for the long delay.

Unfortunately, I don’t have an exact timeline, but the external flash support is one of the next things on my list, and I will be starting to work on it in libdaisy in the next few weeks.

Once that is functional, I’ll do an update to pd2dsy that uses it, and add support for the 64MB SDRAM at the same time.


Hi @shensley, will you make an announcement when the changes are ready?

Yes, I will make a post/announcement for the update as soon as they’re ready. :slight_smile:

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Hello, I own a Daisy Seed and I want to make a program that reads .wav files from an external SD, save them into SDRAM and then plays them controlled by MIDI

I know a bit of Puredata but I don’t kwow if pd2dsy is elaborated enough to do this.

Next steps

  1. Add support for Daisy Field.
  2. Clean up board support to be metadata based, and a bit easier to add new boards
  3. SDRAM support for larger buffers/delays.
  4. Add support different types of controls (i.e. switches are currently only bangs, but should also be able to be toggles).
  5. Double check licensing requirements, etc. and bundle a pre-compiled binaries for the arm toolchain into the project for built-in compilation
  6. Add a GUI? (Web app / built in tester, similar to OWL platform?)

-From GitHub - electro-smith/pd2dsy: Utility for converting Pure Data (Vanilla) patches to Daisy projects.

I am specially concerned about audio quality and latency in my program. So what does exactly mean the second “next step” (2. SDRAM support for larger buffers/delays) ? Pd2dsy has some quality/delay issues? It can’t use the SDRAM?

hi everyone!

Ho to send floats to CV outputs on daisy with PD pd2psy? wich names for sends should i use?


I tried to compile a patch with Heavy but I get these error messages. Anyone know why?
__sqrt~f requires perf information.
__sqrt~f requires perf information.
__cos~f requires perf information.
__sqrt~f requires perf information.
__cos~f requires perf information.
__sqrt~f requires perf information.
__sqrt~f requires perf information.

I don’t know why. If you don’t mind posting it, the FUDI format file, ie - the text file that the patch is saved in and that you’re trying to compile might provide a clue.

Hey all,

I just bought a Daisy Pod to use with pure data, as it seemed to be the best solution for my needs. I’ve read some concerning things in this thread and I was wondering if anyone from Electro-Smith could provide an update?

Does the Pod support MIDI in with Pure Data yet? It doesn’t seem to be clear if it does or not.
There were concerns about a lack of memory support. Have these been addressed?
There are quite a few vanilla objects that don’t seem to be supported via the hvcc. Are there any plans to rectify this?
Are there any examples available, as PD projects, that show control integrations, like the leds, switches, pots, encoder, midi, etc. It would be great to have a starting point.

I have a synth I wrote which is controlled by two buttons and two pots in PD, but I don’t know where to start to get this into the Daisy Pod.

I see that I need to install some libraries and run the pd through a converter, but it would be really helpful for a non programmer to see a guide from PD to Daisy (in my case, specifically the Pod).


Hi @mardem1976

To answer your questions:

  • MIDI is not yet supported
  • Lack of memory support is subjective. pd2dsy can currently use all of the Daisy’s internal memories (128kB of flash, 1MB of RAM). We are actively working on adding support for the additional, external memories. This should be well enough memory for a synth that uses some buttons and pots. The limits would mostly come into play when using large buffers/delays, or look up tables.
  • There are a few examples within the pd2dsy repo that show of using some of the controls.
  • We currently do not have any immediate plans for adding additional objects to hvcc. This may change in the future, but there are many other things that need to be done for pd2dsy, and the other integrations that are a much higher priority.

You’re absolutely right about a guide being helpful. We are currently wrapping up a video guide for installing the necessary tools to get up and running, and we have plans to make other tutorials, and guides, including a guide to converting patches with pd2dsy.

Hope that helps.

Thanks so much for the reply. The lack of midi is definitely a heartbreak, as I was hoping this would be a plug and play PD solution. According to your roadmap, it looks like it’s pretty far back as well.

At the same time, there seem to be quite a few limitations in PD regarding HVCC compatibility. So, it doesn’t look like this is the right way to go. Regardless, I’m determined to program. synth for this little gem.

That said, what would you suggest for someone who doesn’t have experience with C++? I have experience with logic based programming, like javascript and php, so the examples don’t look completely foreign, but what would be the easiest starting path to entry here? FAUST looks really promising, but would I have any issues with integrating with Pod controls or midi with that?

Edit, FAUST looks like the way I’m going, and the integration with the Pod controls looks easy enough. Excited to get the Pod and try it out!

The lack of MIDI is not permanent, but the pd2dsy utility largely relies on the libdaisy C++ library. So it tends to lag a bit behind that in terms of functionality. We are aiming to have a pretty huge update to the utility in general at some point in the coming months.

For graphical programming, you might be interested in taking a look at Max/MSP Gen~. We’ve worked with cycling 74 to create an integration for that that is a bit more functional at the moment. It is still in beta, but can do MIDI and use all 64MB of SDRAM. Things like SD Card usage are already in development for that as well. It is moving a bit quicker since there are a few more people involved in the development of the project.

That’s great, and it’s pretty similar to PD, but it’s not cheap. I’m trying to keep this as inexpensive as possible. It’s one of the main reasons I went with the Pod - most bang for the buck.

I’ve already put together some cool stuff with Faust, so I think I’ll try that first.

Thanks so much for your help!

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Hi. Newbie here. I just bought a Daisy Patch to use with Pd. I just built my first small program - a simple delay with Ctrl1-4 mapped to the delay time for two delreads and the delay output volume and dry volume.

I noticed a lot of cpu noise and found this forum thread where @krieff back in Aug '20 mentions the same problem which went away after updating libDaisy. I’ve just updated it from the master (re made it) and it hasn’t made a difference.

I tried setting the buffer time to 100ms (extremely small) and get less noise but still some.

Any ideas? And I read above the better management/use of the ram is coming. Any news on that?

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Long time ago, there was talks about that updated PD>Daisy script, to include Seed compatibility too. I think we we told something about “the start of the year, around Januray”.

Now we are in August, 8 month later. I just checked this thread again and I don’t see a lot of progress.

So here is an honest question:
*- Has the PD>Daisy script been put on hold, or dropped, because you focus on developing the Max MSP idea?

I think it’s frustrating having to wait sooo long for something that was set to be made available around January.

So, will this script be updated or not? If you have no plans to do that, then please be honest and tell us. 8 month is far over due from what we were told.

Sorry for the complaint, I just want to know where we stand with this thing. It has basically been collecting dust since I got it and I would like to know of things are moving or I should just scrap it and move to another platform, like Bela?

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Max/MSP integration is not done by Daisy developers themselves, so it has nothing to with PD support progress.

Actually, there’s been some work on HVCC, after someone “adopted” it. It was converted to run on py3 finally and it’s likely that py2dsy would switch to that version eventually. It looks like it’s supposed to run on Seed.

Btw, Bela is quite nice. But generally you must use NEON SIMD on that processor, because its FPU is rather terrible.