Midi serial rx problems (on Daisy Patch) - Solved

I’m new to the Daisy project with a Daisy patch but I’m quite familiar with mcu programming. I installed everything a few days ago and all libs should be the latest version. Now I try to control the Patch by MIDI. First it seems to be fine but after sending some more data and CC changes, the data stream seems to screw up. Data is missing and events seem to be sent later while new data was generated. Like a kind of queuing. So e.g. sending a new Midi note will play the previously sent but missed note. Same with control changes. It seems that there is a kind of buffer filling up and never properly emptied even I permanently ask the “Listen()” and “HasEvents()” methods. Writing out a log via serial shows, that the stream becomes somewhat scrambled. I think I’ve found all other reports of that problem here and it’s claimed to be solved. I’m the only one still having these issues? The Combination of MIDI and CV in Eurorack format to play polyphonic sounds was the main reason for me to get the Patch. Thanks for your help …

OK I’ve now examined the behavior more in detail: Exactly with the 86th Midi Note Event (each of 3 Bytes, reaching 258 Bytes all together) there is the complete former stream reprocessed again (Huge burst of data, everything is shown again in the log what was previously sent by serial) and after that everything is screwed up. There seems to be a buffer of I guess 256 Bytes which seems not to be erased? The behaviour repeats all 86 Events.

Next finding: Maybe it has something to do with the Ringbuffer used for event_q_ in midi.h

OK, I found it out. It seems that by installing the Daisy Examples there was not the latest LibDaisy (5.2.0) installed. Also the precompiled Web Upload Demos seem to be using an older Version. I replaced now the LibDaisy in the DaisyExamples folder with the latest version, rebuilded all and now … tadaa, it seems to work flewless. Please update the Libraray inside the Examples (if it wasn’t done meanwhile). Thanks …

It’s working only nearly flawless. There are still occasionally drops and databursts but the whole thing keeps most of the time stable in general. Still room to improve…