How many conversions can the ADC on the daisy seed do per second?

Hello @Enes - You may already know about this, but I don’t see anything about it in the conversation so far. There are actually 2 independent sets of ADCs available on the Daisy seed:
1 - The ones ‘on chip’ on the STM32H750IBK6 - “3× ADCs with 16-bit max. resolution (up to 36 channels, up to 3.6 MSPS).” You’d be limited by the pins available on the Seed to less than 36 of course.
2 - The ones on the Daisy seed which are on a separate ‘codec’ chip intended for audio application. This has varied over time depending on availability.

I think you can use both sets at the same time, I don’t know to what extent this is supported by LibDaisy-DaisySP.