FIR coeffs on SDRAM crash

I am trying to run a 512 pt FIR cab simulation. When booting, the sound is good and the fir is working. when I am trying to switch to another model, the sound is distorted or just not there. any special way to update an fir filter? should I use the same array and copy new values to it? could it be related to the SDRAM storage?


I defined the coeffs as:
// Variables
float DSY_SDRAM_BSS EVH[FIR_COEFFS_COUNT] = { here are 512 EVH points)
float DSY_SDRAM_BSS VOX[FIR_COEFFS_COUNT] = { here are 512 VOX points)
FIR<512, 1> fir;

fir.Init(Vox, 512, true);

out1 = fir.Process(in);

//when updating model
fir.SetIR(EVH, 512, 1);