Daisy Patch

Where can I find more information about the Daisy Patch and Daisy patch.init()?

I am curious about several things:

Are the audio inputs and outputs DC coupled? Can I record/manipulate control voltages with them?
What are the characteristics of all of the inputs/outputs (gate, CV, etc.)? Voltage range?
Is there a chart explaining the differences between the Daisy Patch, submodule, patch.init(), etc.?

Thank you!

Have you read the datasheet? Its available as a download on the patch submodule page on the electrosmith website.

Ah, that is helpful and does answer some of my questions. Thank you!

Link to the data sheet: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58d03fdc1b10e3bf442567b8/t/621eaf2cdbf1c54baf279bdd/1646178095682/ES_Patch_SM_datasheet_v1.0.2.pdf

It is also unclear to me how Daisy Patch, the submodule, Seed, and patch.init() relate to each other, and thus to which products the data sheet applies. It certainly looks like Daisy Patch is based on Seed not submodule and patch.init() is based on submodule. The available I/O jacks on each product are different (Daisy patch has 4x audio I/O? Everything else has 2x?) and from the data sheet it seems like implementation details are needed to answer some questions. I assume at the microcontroller level Seed and submodule are the same?

The names are a bit confusing.

The daisy seed is a development board, like an Arduino or a teensy, but specialised for DSP. It has its own datasheet, different from the patch submodule one you linked.

Daisy Patch is a eurorack module that uses the daisy seed development board as it’s ‘brain’. The module itself adds a bunch of hardware between the knobs and jacks and the daisy pins, so, for example, the 10v P2P eurorack audio signal doesn’t fry the seed with over-voltage.

Daisy patch submodule is also a development board, I believe it uses the same core chips as the seed, but the board adds extra hardware specially designed for interfacing with eurorack. This means it’s powered by eurorack PSU (+12v and -12v) and it’s pins are designed to accept eurorack level audio and cv, voltages that would fry a seed.

The patch init() is a eurorack module that uses the patch submodule as it’s ‘brain’. It doesn’t add any active hardware, it’s simply some knobs and jacks connected directly to the patch submodules pins.


Super, this is really helpful, thank you!

For those playing along with the home game, the Seed data sheet is here: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58d03fdc1b10e3bf442567b8/t/6227e6236f02fb68d1577146/1646781988478/Daisy_Seed_datasheet_v1.0.3.pdf

The relationships between Seed and Patch and submodule and patch.init() make sense to me, and it is great to know it is only adding passive hardware. It would be great to have a data sheet for the Patch to know what additional capabilities it adds to the Seed.

I’m pretty new to modular synthesis, and I’m excited to find the Seed (I’m not new to embedded computing). I am particularly interested in using the Seed to provide modulation options, so I am curious about recording, manipulating, and playing back control voltages. I have read that in order for audio interfaces to record CV, they need to be DC coupled, or the low frequencies generally found in CV are filtered and not recorded. Do you know if this possible with the Seed/Patch? Submodule/patch.init()?

Thanks again!

Ah, I see the audio OUT on the submodule are listed as DC coupled, but not the audio IN. I can’t tell about the Seed.

This should mean that generating CV there should work, giving the submodule 4 CV outputs and 8 CV inputs.

The Seed seems much more limited - I’m guessing the CV I/O is mostly in the Patch then?

I have a module (from Mosaic 1U) that is based on the Seed. I’m happy to see that other are using this platform “under the covers” and not just as a hobby/development board.