Can't get value from patch.controls[x].Process

Hey there,

this is my first post. Glad to be here!

Disclaimer: I’m pretty new to C++ and programming in general so please go easy on me :wink:

I made modifications to the patch/Sequencer example. I want to be able to control the maxSteps with the first dial/control on the Daisy Patch. But when I try to read the value from that dial I can’t get the code to compile w/o errors.

This is the way I am trying to get the value (maxSteps is of int type):
maxSteps = static_cast<int>(patch.controls[1].Process);

See full code below.

Thanks in advance for your help!

    #include "daisysp.h"
    #include "daisy_patch.h"
    #include <string>

    using namespace daisy;
    using namespace daisysp;

    DaisyPatch patch;

    int  values[8];
    bool trigs[8];
    int  stepNumber;
    bool trigOut;

    int  menuPos;
    bool inSubMenu;
    int maxSteps {8}; 

    void UpdateControls();
    void UpdateOled();
    void UpdateOutputs();

    int main(void)
    patch.Init(); // Initialize hardware (daisy seed, and patch)

    //init global vars
    stepNumber = 0;
    trigOut    = false;
    menuPos    = 0;
    inSubMenu  = false;

    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        values[i] = 0.f;
        trigs[i]  = false;


    void UpdateControls()

    //can we simplify the menu logic?
        menuPos += patch.encoder.Increment();
        menuPos = (menuPos % (maxSteps*2) + (maxSteps*2)) % (maxSteps*2);

        if(menuPos < maxSteps)
            inSubMenu = patch.encoder.RisingEdge() ? true : false;
            trigs[menuPos % 8] = patch.encoder.RisingEdge()
                                     ? !trigs[menuPos % maxSteps]
                                     : trigs[menuPos % maxSteps];

        values[menuPos] += patch.encoder.Increment();
        values[menuPos] = values[menuPos] < 0.f ? 0.f : values[menuPos];
        values[menuPos] = values[menuPos] > 60.f ? 60.f : values[menuPos];
        inSubMenu       = patch.encoder.RisingEdge() ? false : true;

`   maxSteps = static_cast<int>(patch.controls[1].Process);`

    //gate in
    if(patch.gate_input[0].Trig() || patch.gate_input[1].Trig())
        if (stepNumber < 0) 
            stepNumber = maxSteps-1; 
        stepNumber = (stepNumber % maxSteps + maxSteps) % maxSteps;
        trigOut = trigs[stepNumber];

    void UpdateOled()

    std::string str  = "!";
    char*       cstr = &str[0];
    patch.display.SetCursor(16 * stepNumber, 45);
    patch.display.WriteString(cstr, Font_7x10, true);

    //values and trigs
    for(int i = 0; i < maxSteps; i++)
        sprintf(cstr, "%d", values[i]);
        patch.display.SetCursor(i * 16, 10);
        patch.display.WriteString(cstr, Font_7x10, true);

        str = trigs[i % maxSteps] ? "X" : "O";
        patch.display.SetCursor(i * 16, 30);
        patch.display.WriteString(cstr, Font_7x10, true);

    str = inSubMenu ? "@" : "o";
    patch.display.SetCursor((menuPos % maxSteps) * 16, (menuPos > (maxSteps-1)) * 20);
    patch.display.WriteString(cstr, Font_7x10, true);


    void UpdateOutputs()
                              round((values[stepNumber] / 12.f) * 819.2f));
                              round((values[stepNumber] / 12.f) * 819.2f));

    dsy_gpio_write(&patch.gate_output, trigOut);
    trigOut = false;
Sequencer.cpp:81:35: error: cannot convert 'daisy::AnalogControl::Process' from type 'float (daisy::AnalogControl::)()' to type 'float'
   81 |     ctrl1_val = patch.controls[1].Process;

What you’ve tried to write was supposed to look like this:

 maxSteps = static_cast<int>(patch.controls[1].Process());

Process is a method (function) that you must be calling. You’re trying to convert function (instead of results returned by calling it) to an integer, and that just makes no sense to compiler.

Hey @antisvin, thanks for your reply! Putting in the parens worked like a charm. I had missed that detail when comparing my code to other examples…