Broken link on Arduino getting started

Hi all,

I just got my Patch SM and I’m thrilled to get started. I tried to follow the getting started for the Arduino platform. Unfortunately the link on how to add Daisy support to the Arduino IDE is broken on this page:

The broken link:

I already tried to find the information myself, but it’s hard because I’m pretty new the the world of embedded programming. Could anybody help me with this?

It would of course be great it the link could get fixed.

Thank you!

Hi @tele_player,

that’s the same link I posted. On this document it says :

To add Daisy support to your Arduino IDE, follow these instructions from stm32duino.

But the link there is broken.

I think I’m one step further. I found this: GitHub - stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32: STM32 core support for Arduino and successfully added and installed support for STM32 MCU based boards.

What I’m still missing is the section where you can download the “STM32CubeProg” as also stated on the “Getting Started (Arduino Edition)” page:

Important! - Make sure to perform the “extra step” of installing STM32CubeProg, as that application is required for uploading firmware to the Daisy. You can return to this Wiki page after that step.

Oops, sorry.

Download the Cube Programmer from STI.

I think I found it:

That’s probably the new link.

Thank you!

Thank you so much for informing us that the link became outdated and finding the new one.
I just replaced it now :slight_smile: