2 Parameters 1 Knob With a Switch and Soft Takeover mode?

now i want to expand on this a little bit :))

i’m trying to figure out a way to have a [train] node flash a led when moving the knob back to the saved position of the parameter to indicate distance before it will latch on to the param again if that makes sense.

lets say saved value is 0.2 and the knob is at 0.8 when switching back. we need to travel -0.6 with the knob to get bck to the saved value and latch on. when it is furthest away the [train] should be at it’s slowest. as the knob is turned towards 0.2 it gets faster when it is really close the led should flash fast enough to almost not notice that its flashing.

any smart math heads or maybe @alo.bu has a thought about how to go about this? it seems doable with the code you wrote to use the outputs for something like this.

some things to consider, a change in any of the knobs(considering we are have multiple knbos that have 2 parameters) should be detected and then show the flashing led to indicate the distance. if we have multiple knobs with the dual function on it all switched by the same switch the led needs to reflect the values of the right knob.

The value of knob - param records how far you are from regaining control of the parameter (smaller means closer). The train object needs to be given period of oscillation in samples, so smaller numbers give faster LED pulses. All you have to do is feed bignum * abs(knob - param) to train, where bignum is the period of the slowest pulsing the light can make – maybe 24000, so that if the knob is at 1 and the parameter at 0, the light pulses twice a second.

oo wow didn’t expect a reaction that quick, that’s it yea gonna play around with that and finding a way to only show the blinking leds when turning a knob and also the right train values for specific knobs. In my module there are 4 knobs that each are gonna have a 2nd value. So I have 4 code boxes with your code to do just that:)